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Python Replace Character in String

Python Replace Character in String

This tutorial help to replace character in a string. We’ll discuss different ways to replace characters in a string. I also let you know to replace special characters and substring them into a string.

How To Replace Characters in Python

You can replace any char with a respective char at a given index.

s = 'I am'
index = 7
char = 'i'

rep_s = s[:index] + char + s[index + 1:]

Output :

I am

Python Replace Substring

Syntax :

The replace() is a Python built-in function that returns a string copy with all occurrences of a substring replaced with another substring. It returns a string copy with all occurrences of a substring replaced by another substring.

string.replace(old, new, count)


  • old – What you want to replace.
  • new – Which would replace the old substring.
  • count – This is Optional. The number of times you wish to use the new substring to replace the old one.

Python replace all occurrences in string

Let’s create a simple python code that helps to understand the python replace() method.

string = "Dali Dali Pe Nazar Dali, Kisine Achchi Dali, Kisine Buri Dali, Jis Dali Par Maine Nazar Dali Wo Dali Kisine Tod Dali"
# Prints the string by replacing all
print(string.replace("Dali", "Stalk"))

Output :

Stalk Stalk Pe Nazar Stalk, Kisine Achchi Stalk, Kisine Buri Stalk, Jis Stalk Par Maine Nazar Stalk Wo Stalk Kisine Tod Stalk

Python replace multiple Substring

Let’s create a simple python code that replace multiple substring in a string.

string = "Dali Dali Pe Nazar Dali, Kisine Achchi Dali, Kisine Buri Dali, Jis Dali Par Maine Nazar Dali Wo Dali Kisine Tod Dali"

# Prints the string by replacing 2
print(string.replace("Dali", "Stalk", 2))

Output :

Stalk Stalk Pe Nazar Dali, Kisine Achchi Dali, Kisine Buri Dali, Jis Dali Par Maine Nazar Dali Wo Dali Kisine Tod Dali

Python string replace multiple characters

Let’s create a simple python code that replace multiple characters in a string.

string = “a:b:c:d”

Replace all

print(string.replace(':', ','))

Output :


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