This tutorial helps to understand Python tuple with examples. It’s a very common and useful collection types. A tuple is a collection that is ordered and unchangeable. How To Define Tuple in Python Python tuples are written with round brackets. Access Tuple Items We can access tuple items by referring to the index number of […]

Number round floats Using Python
This Python tutorial helps to round float numbers using Python 3. Python has a built-in function round() in Python. It returns x rounded to n digits from the decimal point.

Troubleshooting “zsh: command not found: pip” Error in zsh Shell
In this article, we will explore the possible causes behind “zsh command not found pip” error and provide step-by-step troubleshooting methods to resolve it. By understanding the root causes and applying the recommended solutions.

How Can I Exit Python Using the Command Line?
in this tutorial, We’ll learn about different ways to gracefully exit a from python program. You can exit by using methods such as the quit(), exit(), and sys.exit() commands.

Pip Install: Install and Remove Python Packages
In this article, We will discuss how to install a package in Python using PIP. PIP is the default package manager for the Python programming language.

Utilizing Unsplash API for Image Search in Python
in this Python article, We’ll discuss creating an Image Search App with Python and Unsplash API. This is a very common functionality in any web application. that provides functionality to search an image from a image library.

Pretty Printing a Dictionary in Python
In this article, I’ll demonstrate how to create a pretty print list of dictionaries in Python. You can learn how to print a dictionary as JSON in Python by using different techniques. Python has two inbuilt methods that can be used to print a list of dictionaries pretty. The first one is json.dumps() and the […]

How to fix “conda command not found”
in this tutorial, We’ll learn different ways to solve the “conda command not found”. The conda is a package manager that helps to install packages for multiple programming languages. The explore common reasons for this issue and solve it.

Python Zip Function Explained with Examples
This python tutorial helps to understand Python’s zip() function with examples. The zip() is a built-in Python function that accepts any type of iterable and returns us an iterator of tuples. This method creates an iterator that will aggregate elements from two or more iterables. This built-in function creates an iterator that aggregates elements from […]

3 Ways to Find and Replace First Occurrence in Python
The find and replace is a very common operation in web development. Here, We’ll discuss different approaches to finding and replacing a substring’s first occurrence in a string using Python. Well, discuss different ways to find and replace strings in Python with examples.