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How to Add to a String in Python

How to Add a String in Python

The concatenation of two strings has been discussed in a variety of languages. In Python, however, adding one string to another is a simple job.

The ability to execute this operation has a wide range of applications. Let’s look at some examples of how this can be done.

Types of strings in Python

Python strings are divided into two categories: basic strings and Unicode strings.

Basic Strings

Strings are made up of an array of 8-bit bytes. Each character in a string is represented by a single byte, and each byte represents a character.

In Python, a single character is represented by a single character string.

str = 'Hi, i am pythonpip string'

Unicode Strings

Unicode strings are saved as a 16-bit byte array. For Chinese and Japanese, Unicode strings come in handy. Unicode strings begin with the letter "u.”

str = u'Hi, i am pythonpip string'

Combine Two or More string in Python

Let’s use different methods to merge two strings in Python 3:

Method #1 : Using += operator

This operator can be used to perform this specific task of string concatenation. This is more easier than the more typical approaches used in other languages, such as using a specialised function to execute this work.

fname = "Lin "
lname = "Dan"
name = fname + lname


Lin Dan

Method #2 : Using join()

The join function can also be used to execute string concatenation. When we have more than two strings to concatenate, this method outperforms the previous method.

lang = ["Reactrjs", "Python", "Nodejs"]
desc = 'My skills are: '
print(desc + ', '.join(lang))


My skills are: Reactrjs, Python, Nodejs

Method #3 : “%” Operator

The Python % operator can also be used to concatenate the strings. This operator can also be used to format the string.

fname = 'Lin'
lname = 'Dan'
print('Hi, %s %s' % (fname, lname))


Hi, Lin Dan

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